Schedule Otos Hearing Test

Participate in the usability study of the new hearing test system 👂

The goal of the study is to identify the key usability elements that are necessary to enable self-performed hearing testing. Additionally, the study will investigate how to train non-medical educated researchers to perform digital otoscopy.

The usability test will be held at Aalto University in Espoo's Otaniemi – our office is at the K4 building (Sähkömiehentie 4). The venue is located at 5-minute walk from the Aalto University metro station. The study will take approximately 45 minutes.

  1. Choose a date from the calendar
  2. Select a time
  3. Fill in your details
  4. Click "Confirm Appointment"

You are suitable for the study if:

  • you are over 20 years old.
  • you have not previously been diagnosed with hearing loss
  • you are sufficiently fluent in Finnish or English

Please note, this test result is not meant for clinical diagnosis.

🏆 By participating in this study, you will help us improve global hearing healthcare while getting a free hearing health report.

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